Late have I loved you, Lord

“Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. You were within me, and I without… You were with me, and I was not with you… You called me, and your cry broke through my deafness” (X, 27.38).

The above words, now so well known and so often quoted, appeared in the Office of Readings yesterday 27 May 2015.  They were written by St Augustine in his ‘Confessions’.

As I read the passage aloud, the words tugged once more at my heart strings. They had done so some years ago, but I realised that one can keep yearning and longing for a closer walk with our Lord. It is perfectly natural once one has tasted of His mercy, His goodness and experienced powerfully His love, so deep, so infinite, so unconditional too.

And to think that this sad situation continues

There are those who are content to sit on the fence

They wait and they wait, and sometimes they wait forever

Never ever seizing the chance to say ‘Late have I loved you, Lord’

There are those foolish enough not to realise that time is not ours

Not ours to control surely as we all live on borrowed time

So we may never find it too soon to say ‘Late have I loved you, Lord’

It is never too late to say I love you, Lord

It is never too late to say I really care

It is never too late to say I am sorry

But it is true, and I say again . . .  It is true

For You, dearest Lord, await the lost and the stray ones

And then You found me

And now, with St Augustine, I cry out

Late have I loved you

Late have I loved you

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